Monday, March 7, 2011

Ch. 31 Study Guide 52 - 60

The Domestic Parade of Prejudice

52. The members of each of the following groups found something objectionable about the Treaty of Versialles that Wilson helped to forge

a. Isolationists - didn't like the League of Nations and wanted no part of "entangling alliance"

b. "hun-haters" - thought the pact wasn't harsh enough on the Germans

c. other hyphenated Americans - it wasn't favorable to their native lands

d. Irish-Americans - denounced the League because they thought it gave Britian too much influence which could be used to force the U.S. to crush a rising for Irish independence.

Wilson's Tour and Collapse

53. The effort to amend the Treaty of Versailles was led by Senator Lodge, he and Wilson were enemies that hated each other.

54. Wilson, in order to secure passage of the Treaty that included the League of Nations, decided to go on a speech making tour, it affected him by making him ill (he fainted and then was paralzyed on half his body) and didn't see his cabinet for 7 months afterward

55. Lodge's objectons to the League were mostly Article X that morally bound the U.S. to aid any memeber victimized by external aggression

56. Wilson kept sending orders to the Senate democrats to vote against ratification of the treaty because he thought the ratifications "emasculated" the entire pact

57. The treaty was defeated by the Lodge-Wilson personal feud, traditionalism, isolationism, disillusionment, and partisanship, and Wilson himself when he asked for all or nothing (and got nothing).

The Solemn Referendum of 1920

58. Warren G. Harding (Republican) won the election of 1920, the democrats lost because their attempts to make campaigning a referendum on the League were thwarted by Senator Harding.

The Betrayl of Great Expectations

59. The U.S. would have been well advised to assume its war-born responsibilities and embraced its role of global leader

60. The three principles of Wilsonianism that have "largely defined the character of America foreign policy ever since - for better or worse" were: 1. the era of American isolation from world affaris has ended 2. the U.S. must infuse own founding political and economic ideas (democracy, rule of law, free trade, and national self-determination/anti-clolonialsim) nto the international order 3. American influence can eventually steer the world away from rivalry and warfare and towards cooperative and peaceful international system through the League of Nations (later United Nations).

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