Thursday, July 22, 2010

APUSH Music: Songs 1-3

1. Virgen Madre De Dios
2. Apache Indian Drums (Sedona)
3. Shaman's Call (From Earth Spirit)

What do you think the recording artists hoped to accomplish with these songs? What parts of American history do they highlight? To what extent do you see these voices and the experiences they represent as part of the American story?

I think the recording artists were hoping to preserve the culture and the music from the Native Americans. Also I think they were intending to promote more awarness of the Native American music. These selections show how sophisticated the music is. It's definietly not a bunch of people just banging on drums.

They highlight the so called beginning, really when Native Americans were alone without the Europeans. They prove that they were doing just fine without them, and they were no less adavanced.

The voices of these people are a huge part of the American story. They are the original Americans. They are were the first people here. America started off as their country. Even today you can see thier influence in the names of lakes and states. Although, there are some people today with the misconception that America began with the Europeans. Now, as time has progressed and people have found out more and more about these Indian civilizations, it's hard to even try to believe in that misconception.

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