Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Song 13 "The Times They Are A-Changin"

"The Times They Are A-Changin" was written by Bob Dylan in 1964.

The song is about, well, the times changing. Part of it was the Civil Rights Movement and also the new generation and their different ways. Dylan was saying to accept the change. Everyone should the senators and congress men and the mothers and fathers.

This song offers a current perspective on the time period. He is experiencing the changes, too, it's not just a story about them. This song sound like a people pleasing kind of song. In fact, in a quote, Bob Dylan said he was writing what the people wanted to hear. Maybe the ordinary people weren't feeling like their voices were being heard.

I thought this song was really good. I like the harmonica actually. I have been singing it all day. This song feels to be able to apply to today more than any other song for me. It certainly feels like the times are changing at the moment.

This song shows that the 1960s really seem to be a time of change. The Civil Rights Movement and even the hippies are part of this song.

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