Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Song 10 "Strange Fruit"

"Strange Fruit" was written by Abel Meeropol in 1936 and sang by Billie Holiday, who made it famous in 1939.

The song is describing lynched bodies hanging from trees. It's outwardly protesting the lynchings in the South.

The song seems like a first hand description of the lynching rather than someone just telling a story about it. The song is filled with vivid imagery. The description concentrates on the horrible bodies compared to the beautiful trees. It makes the overall image very graphic and realistic.

I thought this song was haunting. It was almost hard to listen to. I saw the picture that was said to have been the inspiration to the song, it is shocking. It's hard to believe that people even did such things.

The song shows how terrible the rascim really was during that period. It also points out that people were protesting to it and not everyone went along with the lynchings.

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