Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Song 11 "A Change Is Gonna Come"

"A Change Is Gonna Come" was written by Sam Cooke in 1963.

The song is about an African American who has become weary and angry about the segregation and racism that he sees in the South (and everywhere I suppose), but he knows that there is nothing he can do about it but wait and hope a change is gonna come.

This song is written by Cooke as he is experiencing the effects of racism. In fact, he and his band were traveling on the road and the accidentally checked into an all white motel and were arrested for "disturbing the peace". The song lyrics are very simple, but the song itself has a very deep impact.

I thought this song was very good. It is has a important message and there is no doubt why it has survived through the times and has even become a symbol for the Civil Rights Movement.

This song gives an African American perspective on what they were going through during the Civil Rights. But, it also shows that they weren't giving up hope that there would be a change and soon they would be treated equally.

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