Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Song 6 "Hard Times Come Again No More"

"Hard Times Come Again No More" was written by Stephen C. Foster in 1854.

This song is about living during hard times. It also mentions the poor and to remember them in thier hard times which probably seem endless. It was a popular song during the Civil War, and both sides appreciated it seeing as both were experiencing some very hard times of their own. It would have made sense for them to want to sing their hard times away. The song is also very versitile, sung today about perhaps the economy or you own personal struggle.

The lyrics make it feel like the songwriter was participating in the hard times. Apparently, he was in the hard times himself. The songwriter did not include anything really specific from the times. Maybe he did so on purpose so everyone could relate to the song. No one wants hard times, they would rather they not come at all.

I thought this was a good song. It's not really a song I would listen to (it's too slow for me), but it is good representation of what people were feeling at the time ... and even feeling now.

This song allows you to learn of the suffering of the American people during the Civil War. It proves many people were experiencing these hard times and there were probably many poor people who were seen suffering as well.

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